Малко цветя По пътя към Черепишки манастир Камбаната Пред черквата в Черепишкия манастир Изглед към Искър-а от двора на Черепишки манастир Една симпатична цветна кошничка в Черепишкия манастир Рачето, което хванахме в реката около Ребърково.
Новият ми кит е вече готов и можете да го изтеглите и да украсите снимките си. Надявам се, че той ще ви донесе вдъхновение! Много харесвам морската тематика и затова елементите, както и хартиите подбрах много внимателно! Надявам се, че ще ви хареса! Забавлявайте се и приятни мигове!
My new kit is ready and you can download and decorations to your photos. I hope it will bring you inspiration! I like the marine theme and therefore the elements and the paper selected very carefully! I hope you like it! Have fun and good moments!
Here are the rules for this award: 1. Put the award on your blog. 2. Include a link to the person who gave you the award. 3. Nominate 7 or more blogs (always hard to do). 4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know they have an award on your blog.
Ето го и новият кит, който създадох с много любов! Вече можете да го изтеглите и да украсите снимките си. Надявам се, че той ще ви донесе вдъхновение! Забавлявайте се и приятни мигове!
Here comes the new kit, which created a lot of love! Now you can download and decorations photos. I hope it will bring you inspiration! Have fun and good moments! Elements
Здравейте, приятели!
Казвам се Милена Петрова, живея в гр. Перник. Имам завършено образование като Слухово-речеви рехабилитатор в Софийски университет - София. Работя като Ресурсен учител в ОУ "Христо Ботев" - гр. Батановци
It´s the last call to pick up the February Berry Big Deal! - only a few
February Berry Big Deal from me is a new collection
We are introducing new Painted Autumn PS Actions this week and I'm pretty
sure you will love this pack!
These actions were created to minimally affect t...
today I want to show how you can create beautiful artistic page in seven
quick steps using our collections.
You will see, that it is very easy, beca...
Hi my friends!
Here are news from Jasmin-Olya Designs"
Today you'll find two new sets of photobook-templates in my shop. As last
time they are in the same...
Hi everyone :)
How are you? :)
NEW FEBRUARY BYOC at The Lilypad is here!
Don't miss!!!
Love Struck Elements and Papers by Amy Wolff
My page :)
You & ...
Bonjour à toutes et Happy DSD...pour cela les designeuses de Scrap From
France vous ont réservé une grande chasse aux trésors...avec de fabuleux
freebies à...
*Festival of Colour by J&M Creations*
This kit includes:
30 papers (3600x3600)
174 elements (300 dpi)
Not all shown at the preview.
Since I've received lots of requests about CU of my stuff I think I'd post
some instructions on my blog. Inspite of my retirement you are still okay
to use...
Justynka vel* Lily Designs,*
stworzyła jak zwykle genialny dla mnie zestaw
*"Black Sea"**,*
który można nabyć już dziś, oczywiście na* A5D!*
Moja praca:
Holidays are so close and slowly we feel the magic of Christmas. Of course
we want to prepare everything: food, cleaning and gifts. Today I would like
to g...
Вчера встретила в нете замечательный стих... тронул до слез... рыдала...
Вот, хочу с вами поделиться.
Правда, автор мне не известен...